Roar Pet Care

Roar Squirminator Drops 50ml


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SKU: NHT898 Category: Brand:


SQUIRMINATOR is a natural homeopathic worming remedy designed to gently expel parasites including roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms.

Safe for pets 8 weeks or older, and can be used alongside existing medications.

• Homeopathic deworming remedy for cats and dogs
• Helpful with roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms
• Entirely non-toxic and safe for use for any animal
• Safely used alongside current prescription medication and supplementation
• Safe for use in pregnant and lactating animals
• Made in New Zealand, from products sourced in New Zealand
• Servings: 130

The remedy must be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, heat and strong smells, as this is proven to break down the efficacy of the product. An ideal storage space is a bedroom drawer or a kitchen cupboard away from strong smelling substances (e.g. spices) and heat (e.g. where the sun hits or where the kettle is boiled). As with conventional medicine, the optimal temperature is 10-20 degrees Celsius, for storage.

Do not store in the refrigerator.

Click the link for more information: SQUIRMINATOR Worming Drops – Additional Info.pdf


SQUIRMINATOR natural worming drops are prepared in a base of Vegetable glycerine and Distilled water.
Other ingredients include: Abrotan, Chelone, Chenopod, Grantum and Santonium.


Recommended for animals 8 weeks and over, may cause loose stools in younger animals


Dosage instructions are based on the fact that worms and parasites are at their most active over a full moon.
To get the best from SQUIRMINATOR natural worming drop:
Dose twice daily (1 pump = 1 dose) for the 2 days before a full moon,
twice daily on the day of the full moon and then twice daily after the day of the full moon.

If your pet drinks from their water bowl regularly, you can put 1 pump into it across these 4 days so they dose themselves every time they drink from it. Alternatively, you can offer a dose on a small piece of healthy treat, waiting 15 minutes either side of dosing before feeding them. The remedy is at its most efficacious when given like this.



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