Do you regularly have a solid 7 or 8 hours sleep a night?

Perhaps you have trouble falling asleep at night?

Or, do you wake up in the wee small hours and have trouble getting back to sleep?

100 years ago people were getting 9 hours sleep – this is no longer the norm.

Sleep can feel so elusive at times. Especially when our minds are working overtime.

There are so many factors that impact our sleep. What you may not be aware of is that sleep on its own isn’t

Restful, restorative sleep is result of calming down the body and the mind first. Our mind frequently takes us
on detours that we don’t need to go on. Rather than searching for a remedy outside of yourself, restful sleep is
the result of having a quiet mind. And that the work takes place, internally.
To improve your sleep you must first ensure you arrive in bed feeling relaxed, settled and ready for sleep. If
you’re not relaxed before your head hits the pillow – you’re stealing from your tomorrow.
Good sleep hygiene begins with preparing for bedtime by relaxing in the evening. One hour before bed, give
yourself the ultimate five star turn down service. Your senses, body and mind will thank you.
Try one of the following before bed and notice how you feel when you wake:

  1. Massage warm sesame oil onto your feet before going to bed – calms the nervous system and
    helps you relax before going to sleep. Put socks on after to not stain your sheets.
  2. Take a break from screens in the evening to allow your body to feel it’s fatigue and start to relax
    BEFORE you go to sleep. Turn off screens at least one hour before bed. If you can’t do one hour,
    start with half an hour.
  3. Go to sleep by 10pm latest (earlier if you have fatigue, dis-ease or immune issues). If you go to bed
    late, wind back your bedtime 15 minutes earlier in your schedule until you end up feeling
    consistently well-rested upon waking.
  4. Don’t eat after 6pm – going to sleep with undigested food in your stomach is a recipe for poor
    sleep. Your digestion should rest while you sleep.

    And don’t give up! Quality sleep is crucial for you to put your best self forward every day – it’s the foundation
    to everything else working well AND it is achievable for everyone.

    Written by

    Becs is a certified Ayurvedic Health Coach. She’s the face behind and GOOD CHANGE, a
    women’s health coaching programme exploring Ayurveda, Behavioural Science, Nutrition & Mindset.

    Instagram: @heart_space_nz

Check out her great sleep tonic recipe here. It’s a lovely alternative to hot chocolate that is nutritious and tasty AND helps improve sleep.