Stress Support

Too much stress causes our body to switch from our “rest and digest” operating system and activa...Read More

Too much stress causes our body to switch from our “rest and digest” operating system and activates “flight or fight” mode. This way of operating demands an increased energy supply. Cue overworked adrenals, depleted nutrients and sugar cravings. When we live in this high-stress state for a prolonged period of time we become more at risk for more serious complications such as hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, mental illnesses, and weight gain.

Having no stress in this day and age would be unrealistic and likely unproductive. Rather, we need to channel this stress in a constructive way and keep it from getting out of hand. Read our blog Navigating Stress in the Modern World or our top tips for effective stress management, or browse the selection of products below.

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Showing 1–24 of 32 results