Omega Oils

Not all fats are created equal! In fact, omega 3 is a type of fat (or oil) which most of us could do...Read More

Not all fats are created equal! In fact, omega 3 is a type of fat (or oil) which most of us could do with having more of. Omega 3 fatty acids may benefit us in a number of ways, including; mood, healthy cholesterol balance, immunity, regulating inflammation, and healthy hormone production.

They’re termed “essential” because the body is unable to synthesise them on its own therefore we must get them through the diet. The following foods are rich in omega 3 fatty acids: Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel. Nuts and seeds such as walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds

Ideally, we would consume a variety of omega-rich foods, in particular, oily fish, on a daily basis in order to keep our bodies topped up with this vital nutrient. If not, an omega 3 supplement may be worth considering. Browse our selection of omega 3 supplements below, or check out our blog article for more information.


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