Meditation – Your Ultimate Currency

Amidst the whirring of everyday life, the challenge for us all is to cultivate times of silence. Why? So that we can develop resources within to remain resilient no matter what life throws our way.

These are potent times. Technology is evolving faster and we have access to more information at our fingertips than ever. Humanity has not experienced this level of stimulation before and it is often much more than our primal/reptilian brain can keep up with.

It’s not your fault. The problem is evolutionary.

Your primal brain treats all stresses as if you’re being chased by a tiger. Your primal brain cannot differentiate between your boss calling you into their office with ‘that’ tone of voice, or a tiger in the wild. Herein lies a very real, modern world danger… the “paper tiger”.

Our lives are inundated with “paper tigers,” those non-life-threatening stressors that we can’t seem to get a break from. Screens and devices, juggling too much, working long hours, the list goes on. These “paper tigers” stimulate the mind and keep the nervous system in a prolonged ‘fight/flight’ mode. This is dangerous because you end up with consistent levels of adrenalin and cortisol running through your body – two stress hormones that are only supposed to be released to assist the body during a genuine life-threatening situation.

Our sympathetic or ‘fight/flight’ nervous system doesn’t have a low gear, so we end up with heavy wear and tear on the body that accumulates as you’re exposed to repeated or chronic stress. This is known as the allostatic load and it shows up in the physical body as inflammation, a weakened immune system or a weakened cardiovascular system (or all of the above).

I’ve found the more regularly I drop into silence, the more I (re)gain perspective. The more I can quickly find my way back to homebase – into a balanced state. I can’t control what happens in life but I can always choose my response. 

Meditation is a powerful way to reset the body’s fight/flight response. A regular practice of meditation makes a big difference to how the body perceives stress and how it responds to stress – it builds resilience. It’s also a way for the mind to reorganise and recalibrate itself, allowing the body to experience its natural state of restful awareness. And the more you experience this restful state… the easier it is to find your way back to it. Like increases like.

Spending just 10 minutes a day doing nothing is vital to maintain equilibrium. This is becoming more evident as scientists continue to validate ancient Eastern methodologies, such as meditation, with proven benefits to our brains and bodies. These include but aren’t limited to:

  • Supporting Immune Health
  • Supporting Circulation
  • Calmness
  • Normal Blood Pressure
  • Emotional Balance
  • Improved Digestion
    • Gaining new perspectives on stressful situations
  • Increased Resilience

Whilst meditation facilitates presence and reduces stress, it also increases self-awareness. It’s like a speed bump between the urge to do something and the action itself and it’s by far the most powerful lifestyle change you can make. Self-awareness is your best asset – your ‘super power’ – and your body’s ultimate currency in this fast-paced modern jungle.

Words By Becs Erickson

Becs is a certified Ayurvedic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher & Meditation Guide. She’s the face behind To get to know Becs, or understand more about health coaching and how it may meet your requirements, book a free 20-min call via her website.