Healthy Holiday Tips for a Festive Summer Season

As Christmas and the summer holidays approach, maintaining your fitness and well-being amidst all the festivities can be a challenge.  It’s natural to look forward to indulging, but we have some tips to help you incorporate more nutrients and movement into your holiday season while still enjoying all that summer has to offer!

Kickstart Your Day with a Green Juice

Jumpstart your morning with a green juice packed with essential vitamins and minerals. This helps your body detoxify, eliminates waste, and regulates blood sugar levels. Making green juice a part of your daily routine is one of the best health decisions you can make.

Here’s our recommendation: Nuzest Good Green Vitality

Hydration is Key

With all the tempting drink options available, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water. Staying hydrated is crucial for flushing out toxins, keeping your energy levels up, and giving your skin that radiant glow. Make water your go-to beverage by investing in a 1.5-liter bottle and aim to drink at least two bottles each day. Additionally, remember to have a glass of water after every meal and consider adding herbal teas to your routine. Your body will thank you for it.

For extra hydration needs you could try these re-hydration products!

Get Active with Your Family

Engage in some family-friendly activities on Christmas day or while at the beach. It’s a wonderful way to connect, share laughs, and get moving together. Whether it’s backyard cricket, beach volleyball, Marco Polo, or a family walk or bike ride, there are plenty of enjoyable and cost-free ways to stay active with your loved ones, creating lasting memories in the process.

Nourishing Seasonal Delights

December brings an abundance of fresh, seasonal produce to our local markets. Explore the variety of fruits and vegetables available and incorporate them into your diet for a nutrition boost. From juicy berries to crisp salads, embracing the flavors of the season is a delightful way to support your overall well-being.

Remember, it’s okay to indulge in a champagne breakfast and Christmas pudding with loved ones. You’re on holiday, and it’s important to treat yourself without feeling guilty. It’s all about finding that balance and practicing moderation.

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!